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Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Our eco-friendly blogs offer valuable tips and advice on how to lead a more eco-friendly, zero waste lifestyle.

10 Tips for a Greener Friday

10 Tips for a Greener Friday

Black Friday damage to our planet is out of control. Here's our top 10 tips to help you make Black Friday greener!

The Hidden Plastics in “Eco-Friendly” Laundry Sheets

The Hidden Plastics in “Eco-Friendly” Laundry Sheets

Did you know that your so-called eco-friendly laundry sheets are probably hiding plastic? A recent buzz over laundry sheets has left us with confused consumers, confusing “research”, and lots of brands defending their best-sellers. 

Canned Cat Food Storage Ideas: The Purrfect Plastic-free Solution!

Canned Cat Food Storage Ideas: The Purrfect Plastic-free Solution!

Is your cat a picky eater? Just like us, cats demand the ultimate freshness in their bowls and bellies. And just like us, we need to protect our pets from food storage products that leach chemicals into food. So what's the alternative? Beeswax wraps!

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