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The Zero Waste Home

This is where we share tips and tricks on zero waste living. We hope our blogs inspire you to reduce single use plastic in your household and adopt a more sustainable way of living.

The 10 R’s of Zero Waste Parenting

The 10 R’s of Zero Waste Parenting

From disposable diapers to new school supplies, countless items of clothing to even more snacks, raising kids in today’s world involves a lot of stuff.

How to Pack Zero-Waste School Lunches

How to Pack Zero-Waste School Lunches

For many, school is starting back up and – along with getting school supplies and navigating new schedules – that means it’s time to start packing school lunches again.

8 Great Actions for a Plastic-Free Summer

8 Great Actions for a Plastic-Free Summer

Summer is here, bringing with it sunshine, popsicles, picnics, and unfortunately, loads of plastic waste. Fortunately, the Plastic Free July movement has been gaining popularity, and there are tons of ideas and resources to help us all stop using single-use plastics, be a better zero-waste hero, and help the planet heal!

15 Nifty Ways to Use Your Beeswax Wraps

15 Nifty Ways to Use Your Beeswax Wraps

Wondering how to use wax wraps? SuperBee reusable beeswax wraps are a great way to cut down on waste in the kitchen…but replacing your plastic wrap with this eco-friendly option is just the start!

How to Refresh Wool Dryer Balls: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Refresh Wool Dryer Balls: A Step-By-Step Guide

After heavy use, the wool in your dryer balls can start drying out themselves. This means they become less useful at absorbing moisture and therefore in need of a bit of TLC. By caring for your wool dryer balls, you’ll ensure they last even longer — a money-saving trick for your laundry and a nice little boost for the environment, too.

7 Genius Ways to Store Sourdough Bread

7 Genius Ways to Store Sourdough Bread

As a child, my Mum used to bake fresh wholewheat bread for us every week. Loaves for toast in the morning and rolls to take to school in our packed lunches. How lucky were we? 

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