Where to Buy SuperBee: Zero-Waste Stores in Chiang Mai

Where to Buy SuperBee: Zero-Waste Stores in Chiang Mai

If you’re lucky enough to be in town, SuperBee Wax Wraps and other eco-friendly or zero-waste products can be found at a number of small retailers around town. Each of these creative shops and conscious cafes are well worth a visit!

10 Tips for a Greener Friday

10 Tips for a Greener Friday

Black Friday damage to our planet is out of control. Here's our top 10 tips to help you make Black Friday greener!

SuperBee Wax Wraps are Halal Certified!

SuperBee Wax Wraps are Halal Certified!

In our ongoing commitment to ethical production, sustainability, and inclusivity, and we’re proud to serve a wider community with Halal-certified products you can trust.

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