15 Nifty Ways to Use Your Beeswax Wraps

Pyrex Dish with Hexagonia Beeswax Wrap

Wondering how to use waxed cotton wraps in your home? SuperBee reusable beeswax wraps are a great way to cut down on waste in the kitchen and avoid exposure to microplastics, but replacing your plastic wrap with this eco-friendly option is only the start! 

We’ve found a wealth of handy uses for beeswax wraps since they’ve become a major part of our household, and our customers have also inspired us with the clever things they do with their beeswax wraps in their own homes.

So here’s a list of 15 ingenious tips on how to use reusable beeswax wraps in your kitchen, bathroom, and on the road!

1. Wrap half an avocado/lemon/lime/apple to save for later

Fruits come in odd shapes, and cutting can make those shapes even odder. Not only is plastic food wrap bad for the environment, but it also does a poor job of sealing and sticking around sliced fruits and veg. 

Beeswax wraps, on the other hand, are great for food; naturally tacky and flexible, they’ll hug the shape of your sliced apple, onion, or avocado and create a seal that keeps it fresher for longer. Use our small beeswax wrap for this kind of usage.

2. Fold your wrap into a box to hold fresh grapes or berries

Not only can you use your beeswax wraps as, well, wraps, but they can also be easily folded into a container for things like grapes or berries. 

So how do you fold your wax wraps into a container? Easy, just scrunch the flexible wrap gently around a bunch of grapes after they’ve been washed if you just need something quick and easy to keep them from rolling away, or bust out your origami skills and make a handy container to keep in the fridge. Better yet, opt for one of our pre-sewn waxed food bags instead.

3. Fold into a pocket to store snacks

Beeswax wraps also make neat on-the-go containers. Fold them into a little pouch or pocket for some pretzels to snack on, or seal away those T-R-E-A-T-S for your next stroll with Fido. Better for the environment than a single-use baggie (and ultimately cheaper too!), fold small or large wraps to pack any kind of snack.

4. Wrap around a bar of soap or shampoo bar while traveling

Soap wrapped in wax wrap

Switched to soap and shampoo bars for use at home in your sustainable bathroom and on the road? Great — that’s a zero-waste win in our books! But instead of storing them in a messy plastic bag, use your reusable eco food wrap. 

They’ll take up next to no room in your backpack or luggage and there’s zero chance of shampoo spills ruining your clothes. Even if your soap or shampoo is still wet and sudsy, the beeswax wraps stick to themselves to keep everything sealed.

5. Replace single-use plastic in your packed lunch

Step it up beyond snacking and use beeswax wraps as a pouch for your sandwich or to wrap up those leftovers to take to school or the office. Our beeswax sandwich bags are also a great alternative here. 

The best part? If you’ve packed your own silverware to cut down on using plastic cutlery, you can wrap up your dirty spoon and fork in the wrap to keep your bag clean until they can be washed later at home.

6. Cover mason jars with beeswax wrap

Mason Jar covered with Beeswax Wrap

Mason jars are great, but the lids can have a habit of disappearing. Wax wraps create a nice, tight seal around glass containers, so they’re perfect for covering and wrapping around the mouth of mason jars of any size. 

Whether you’re storing things in the fridge or you’ve got jars fermenting in the pantry, beeswax wraps will keep the contents contained. Just be sure to use a larger wrap to seal down the sides in case the contents build up pressure.

7. Lost the box to Uno? Wrap that deck of cards

A kid favorite in our household (and possibly yours too!), Uno and other playing card games are great for when you want to come together as a family or have some time to kill. Unfortunately, card boxes have a habit of tearing and falling apart when subject to the wear and tear of children’s play, so ditch that packet and opt instead for a beeswax wrap, which is sturdy enough to be used over and over again.

8. Cover the top of bottles or carafes when dining outdoors

Carafes and bottles don’t always have tops, and packing for a picnic can be a hassle. Beeswax wraps create a watertight seal and make outdoor dining a breeze. 

Saving the last bit of wine to finish at home? Don’t fiddle around with jamming the cork back into the bottle — your wax wrap will do just the trick!

9. Sustainable way to wrap up flower bouquets

Sustainably Wrapped Flowers

If you love flowers but don’t love the plastic and tape your florist uses to wrap your stems, bring along an extra-large sheet of beeswax wrap to wrap up your bouquet. Not only is it great for the environment to reduce waste, but beeswax wraps also come in many designs, pretty enough to turn any bouquet into a giftable flower arrangement.

10. Use as a grip to help open a jar lid

Jar lids get stuck and wrapping a dishcloth for grip doesn’t always do the trick. Running it under a hot tap? Well, now it’s wet and even more slippery! 

Fortunately, beeswax wraps are just tacky enough to add that extra bit of grip around the lid and your hand so you can get the darned thing twisted off.

11. Wrap loaves of bread or goodies from the bakery instead of using a paper bag

If your bakery uses paper instead of plastic wrapping, then that’s better than most. However, switch it up for a zero-waste approach by bringing your own wax wraps from home for wrapping up those delicious baked goods.

Use small sizes to wrap buns or pastries, or pack the XXL bread wrap to store a whole loaf of sourdough bread.

12. Roll wax wraps into zero-waste drinking straws

As an alternative to a plastic straw, have you tried rolling up your small wax wrap to sip your juice or smoothie? They may not be perfectly designed for the task, but unlike other types of reusable straws, beeswax wraps are way easier to clean. Just unroll and wash them in water and eco-friendly dish soap.

Alternatively, check out our superbly stylish — and wonderfully eco-friendly — reusable glass straws.

13. Roll into a funnel to fill jars with dry goods

Beeswax Wraps Funnel

We’ve all been there: you’re trying to move cornflakes or oats from their packaging into a jar or storage container, and half of it ends up on the kitchen floor. Here, too, beeswax wraps come to the rescue. 

If you’re missing a funnel in your kitchen, your wax wraps can be easily rolled into a funnel. Voila: no dried goods wasted on the floor!

14. Line your refrigerator shelves for easy cleaning

Sometimes you want to line your refrigerator or food containers with something that can be more easily washed. Beeswax wraps are perfect for the task! They stick and seal to surfaces and create a waterproof bottom in any container. When it’s time to tidy up, just peel away and wash.

15. In a pinch, fold a bowl

Sometimes when you’re on the go, you need a container in a pinch. Wax wraps can easily be folded into makeshift bowls when you realize you’ve forgotten some things when camping. If you find yourself needing a water vessel when you’re out walking the dog, wax wraps can also come in handy. You should never leave home without them! (We actually always have a couple in our bag and car…)

We’ve discovered so many great ways to use wax wraps as part of going zero-waste in the kitchen and home. How do you use beeswax wraps? Let us know in the comments below and have a look at our bestseller, “The Beeginner Set,” to start finding even more nifty ways to use them!

FAQs about using beeswax wraps

Have more questions? Here are a couple we always get asked (and you can get more answers with our in-depth beeswax FAQ page, too).

How many times can you use beeswax wraps?

Countless — well, as long as you look after them! After use, wash your beeswax wrap with a little dish soap and warm water (no hotter than 140°F (60°C) otherwise you might melt the wax right off) and allow them to air dry completely, before storing them somewhere clean and dry. They’ll be ready to use when you next need them and should last for up to two years.

Once they start looking crumpled or a little old, you can have a go at reviving them (check out our tips on restoring beeswax wraps), too.

What should you not use beeswax wraps on?

Because you can’t wash beeswax wraps at high temperatures, it’s not safe to use them with meat, fish, or eggs. Pretty much everything else is fine, though and they’re even safe for freezing for a period of up to 30 days.

How can you care for beeswax wraps?

As we said above, washing them with warm water, allowing them to air dry, and then storing them in clean, dry conditions should help to prolong the lifespan of your beeswax wraps. Keeping them away from hot temperatures (that includes the oven and the microwave) is also a must.

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