Changing Habits, Finding Joy in Eco Products

Changing Habits, Finding Joy in Eco Products

We’ve grown used to plastic convenience products and how easy they make our routine in the moment. And we conveniently forget the overflowing landfills and plastic clogging our waterways.

SuperBee Donations: Making a Difference Together

SuperBee Donations: Making a Difference Together

We’re more than just bee lovers over here - we bee-lieve that all life matters, from the tiniest ball of fluffy kitten delight dumped beside the road, to the playful pup that wanders the street looking for scraps, to the mighty and majestic elephants

The Hidden Plastics in “Eco-Friendly” Laundry Sheets

The Hidden Plastics in “Eco-Friendly” Laundry Sheets

Did you know that your so-called eco-friendly laundry sheets are probably hiding plastic? A recent buzz over laundry sheets has left us with confused consumers, confusing “research”, and lots of brands defending their best-sellers. 

How Do You Wash Beeswax Wraps?

How Do You Wash Beeswax Wraps?

One of the most common questions we get asked about using eco-friendly beeswax wraps instead of disposable plastic wrap or bags is: how do you wash beeswax wraps?

How to Refresh Wool Dryer Balls: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Refresh Wool Dryer Balls: A Step-By-Step Guide

After heavy use, the wool in your dryer balls can start drying out themselves. This means they become less useful at absorbing moisture and therefore in need of a bit of TLC. By caring for your wool dryer balls, you’ll ensure they last even longer — a money-saving trick for your laundry and a nice little boost for the environment, too.

Tree Resin

Tree Resin

Tree resin is a fluid (Sap) produced by trees. It was used long time ago in history as medicine and adhesive. Today we still use tree resin in many ways.

12 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving

12 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving

The holiday season is upon us and with it comes a lot of good food, good drink, good cheer and, unfortunately, often a lot of waste. Especially when considering food and packaging, the amount of waste a household produces greatly increases during the holidays.

Zero-Waste Halloween Tips

Zero-Waste Halloween Tips

Plastic-wrapped candies, throw-away decorations, single-use costumes... Halloween has the potential to be a horror show of plastic waste. Looking for zero-waste Halloween tips?

The Beauty of Organic Face Masks

The Beauty of Organic Face Masks

Since the unwelcome arrival of COVID-19, SuperBee seamstresses, like Khun Tan, have been industriously sewing hundreds of SuperBee facemasks

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